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Pharmaceutical companies, cybercriminals' favorite targets制药公司,网络犯罪分子最喜欢的目标

Malicious actors have shown particular attention to the drug development industry恶意行为者特别关注药物开发行业

Information security and digital forensics specialists from the International Institute of Cyber Security report that multiple groups of malicious hackers are launching attack campaigns against different companies, especially organizations belonging to the pharmaceutical industry , sector in which attack campaigns have grown exponentially in the last two years.国际网络安全研究所的信息安全和数字取证专家报告说,多组恶意黑客正在针对不同公司发起攻击行动,特别是属于制药行业的组织,过去两年中攻击活动呈指数级增长。

This research was carried out by a cybersecurity firm, which analyzed the security incidents raised in the 500 companies with the most revenues in the whole world.这项研究由一家网络安全公司进行,该公司分析了全球收入最多的500家公司中发生的安全事件。 One of the main conclusions that this analysis showed is that during the last quarter, the pharmaceutical companies suffered the most cyberattacks , averaging 71 malicious campaigns in each company in this sector, which means that the cyberattacks against the drug industry grew 149% over the same period last year.该分析得出的主要结论之一是,在上一季度,制药公司遭受了最多的网络攻击 ,平均每个公司中有71个恶意攻击 ,这意味着针对制药行业的网络攻击增长了149%。去年。

Drug-developing companies are an attractive target for cybercriminals, as they safeguard a large amount of intellectual property on new drugs or compounds.药物开发公司是网络犯罪分子的一个有吸引力的目标,因为它们保护了新药或化合物的大量知识产权。 Specialists in digital forensics believe that if an attacker gets access to information about new researches, they will surely find potential buyers in the black market. 数字取证专家认为,如果攻击者能够获得有关新研究的信息,他们肯定会在黑市中找到潜在的买家。

Speaking of all industrial sectors in general, email fraud campaigns have also been on the rise;谈到所有工业部门,电子邮件欺诈活动也在增加; according to the investigation, email attack attempts grew 80% for all industrial sectors analyzed compared to the last quarter of 2017. In many cases, malicious actors try to deceive some employees in order to gain access to enterprise networks.根据调查,与2017年第四季度相比,所有工业部门的电子邮件攻击尝试增长了80%。在许多情况下,恶意行为者试图欺骗一些员工以获得对企业网络的访问权。

According to the research, a common tactic is that hackers spoof the email addresses of a company's managers, trying to trick lower-tier employees into revealing data or even making money transfers.根据研究,一个常见的策略是,黑客欺骗公司经理的电子邮件地址,试图欺骗低层员工披露数据甚至转账。 Although it seems a rudimentary form of cyberattack has proved successful, so the practice continues to be presented.虽然看起来基本形式的网络攻击已经证明是成功的,但是这种做法仍在继续呈现。 According to specialists in digital forensics, many of the biggest data violations began with a simple spoofed message.根据数字取证专家的说法,许多最大的数据违规行为始于简单的欺骗性消息。

Behind the pharmaceutical sector, the construction companies were the second most attacked industrial branch, averaging 61 attacks in each organization.在制药行业的背后,建筑公司是受攻击次数最多的工业分支机构,每个组织平均有61次攻击。 Completing the podium are real estate companies, with 54 attacks on average during the last quarter.完成登上领奖台的是房地产公司,上一季度平均有54次攻击。

As for the annual figures, the drug industry is maintained in the first place, averaging 288 attacks per company throughout the 2018. On this occasion, real estate companies are left with second place, averaging 277 attacks in each company throughout the current year.至于年度数据,制药行业保持在第一位,2018年每家公司平均发起288次攻击。此时,房地产公司排在第二位,每年平均每家公司发生277起攻击事件。

Digital forensics specialists suggest some ways that organizations can protect themselves from cyberattacks, such as training their employees to detect and report malicious emails, as well as having a backup plan in case cyberattack.数字取证专家建议组织可以通过某些方式保护自己免受网络攻击,例如培训员工检测和报告恶意电子邮件,以及制定备份计划以防网络攻击。


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