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In this digital era, our information is more public than private.在这个数字时代,我们的信息比私人信息更公开。 The massive growth of internet users is increasing day by day.互联网用户的大量增长日益增加。 What we think we simply search it on the internet.我们认为我们只是在互联网上搜索它。 Here privacy becomes a big concern for every internet user.在这里,隐私成为每个互联网用户的一大关注点。 There are many genuine reasons why an internet user should stay anonymous.互联网用户应保持匿名的原因有很多。 Reasons ranging for new companies growth to hiding personal information while surfing the internet.新公司在浏览互联网时隐藏个人信息的原因。

Ethical hacking researcher of International Institute of Cyber security says that internet is insecure place for everyone.国际网络安全研究所的道德黑客研究员表示,互联网对每个人来说都是一个不安全的地方。 While surfing the internet everyone should stay anonymous and always use anonymous services.在网上冲浪时,每个人都应该保持匿名并始终使用匿名服务。

That's where anonymous services are used.这就是使用匿名服务的地方。 There are many web applications who protect internet user privacy while surfing.有许多Web应用程序在冲浪时保护互联网用户隐私。

Anonymity Comes in Two Essential Parts :- 匿名有两个基本部分 : -

  • Browser – This is everyone's primary source from where an user enters the internet. 浏览器 - 这是每个人用户进入互联网的主要来源。 Browser always track user activities on internet.浏览器始终跟踪Internet上的用户活动。 It is hard to configure the browser manually for not to reveal user information.手动配置浏览器很难不泄露用户信息。
  • Networking Components – There are many network devices that are used while surfing the internet. 网络组件 - 在上网时使用的网络设备很多。 What you search on the internet the request is directly send to ISP (Internet Service Provider).您在互联网上搜索的请求是直接发送给ISP(互联网服务提供商)。 Means that ISP can easily watch every internet user all the time and records it.意味着ISP可以随时轻松地监视每个互联网用户并进行记录。

Anonymouus Services:- Anonymouus服务: -

  • P2P Services – P2P is a decentralized network that transfers data from peer to peer (users to users). P2P服务 - P2P是一种分散的网络,可以从对等方(用户到用户)传输数据。 This network has no server.这个网络没有服务器。 It can be secure because no one is watching but can be potentially insecure as anyone can log information about data transfers through.它可以是安全的,因为没有人在观看,但可能是不安全的,因为任何人都可以记录有关数据传输的信息。
  • Proxies:- Proxies act as a gateway between an user and the internet. 代理: -代理充当用户和互联网之间的网关。 It's an intermediary separating end-point users from websites they visit.它是将终端用户与他们访问的网站分开的中间人。 Proxy provide various level of security to the internet user, but finding proper working proxies becomes hard.代理为互联网用户提供各种级别的安全性,但找到合适的工作代理变得困难。 As not all proxies are anonymous, some are insecure.由于并非所有代理都是匿名的,因此有些代理是不安全的。
  • VPN (Virtual Private Network) – A VPN connection creates an secure tunnel between two computers so they can communicate securely. VPN(虚拟专用网络) - VPN连接在两台计算机之间创建安全隧道,以便它们可以安全地进行通信。 It is essiential to use VPN in public networks.在公共网络中使用VPN是必不可少的。 It can be insecure as remote server could log information about the data that you send and receive.它可能不安全,因为远程服务器可以记录有关您发送和接收的数据的信息。


Here are some listed products which can be used to stay anonymous while surfing.以下是一些列出的产品,可用于在冲浪时保持匿名


  • Ultrasurf VPN is most popular VPN to stay anonymous. Ultrasurf VPN是最受欢迎的VPN保持匿名。
  • This VPN is very lightweight no installation is required, you have to simply download zip file.这个VPN非常轻量级无需安装,您只需下载zip文件即可。
  • This VPN is free to use.该VPN可免费使用。
  • This VPN connects a user to the USA servers to stay anonymousVPN将用户连接到美国服务器以保持匿名
  • Unzip that file and directly run the VPN .解压缩该文件并直接运行VPN The ultrasurf VPN looks like:- ultrasurf VPN看起来像: -


  • Jon Do is the another VPN written in Java. Jon Do是另一个用Java编写的VPN。 This VPN provides to stay anonymous.此VPN提供匿名保持。
  • Simply download Jon do VPN and install and connect to external servers.只需下载Jon do VPN并安装并连接到外部服务器。 This VPN has limited servers.此VPN具有有限的服务器。
  • You can also purchase the premium version to get more listed external servers.您还可以购买高级版本以获得更多列出的外部服务器。

PSIPHON:- psiphon是: -

  • PSIPHON VPN used to provide internet users with open access to online content. PSIPHON VPN用于为互联网用户提供对在线内容的开放访问。
  • Simply download the exe and directly open the exe.只需下载exe并直接打开exe。 No need to install the any of the software.无需安装任何软件。
  • This VPN is free to use.该VPN可免费使用。
  • Psiphon gives many options to connect with different countries like – Netherlands, Russia, USA , United Kingdom etc. Psiphon提供了许多选择,可以与不同的国家联系,如荷兰,俄罗斯,美国,英国等。


  • Advance onion router is build to force a program to use tor connection.构建高级洋葱路由器以强制程序使用tor连接。
  • This VPN can be customize with lots of features.此VPN可以自定义,具有许多功能。 For using the advance onion router.使用高级洋葱路由器。
  • This VPN is very lightweight easy to use.这个VPN非常轻巧易用。 No need to install the software simply run directly.无需安装软件只需直接运行即可。
  • For using the advance onion router setup the tor bridges inside the advance onion router.为了使用提前洋葱路由器设置,托架桥接在提前洋葱路由器内。


  • PacketiX.net is the free VPN service offered by SoftEthen Corp. PacketiX.net是SoftEthen公司提供的免费VPN服务。
  • The GUI is very simple and easy to use. GUI非常简单易用。 Simply configure the new connection.只需配置新连接即可。
  • This VPN is run as an academic experiment by the university of Tasukuba in Japan.该VPN由日本Tasukuba大学作为学术实验运行。
  • This VPN encrypts all your internet activity.此VPN会加密您的所有互联网活动。 The server location is Japan.服务器位置是日本。 Although they keep logs whoever uses this VPN and they are open about it.虽然他们保留使用此VPN的日志,但他们对此持开放态度。


  • Tails is an debian linux based OS that is used to surf internet anonymously. Tails是一个基于linux的debian操作系统,用于匿名上网。 This OS can be downloaded as an ISO file and then make bootable disk for using.此OS可以作为ISO文件下载,然后制作可启动磁盘以供使用。
  • Tails will automatically configure your internet connection. Tails会自动配置您的互联网连接。 The GUI is very easy to use. GUI非常易于使用。 You can surf internet anonymously.您可以匿名上网。
  • This OS boots live on ram and erased when shut down.该操作系统在ram上启动并在关闭时擦除。
  • In Tails all the traffic is routed through TOR.在Tails中,所有流量都通过TOR路由。
  • If you want to remove your evidence after work, simply us this.如果您想在下班后删除证据,请告诉我们。


There are many anonymous email services which are used to send mails.有许多匿名电子邮件服务用于发送邮件。 This service is mostly used by the pentesters.该服务主要由测试者使用。


  • 10minutemail is used for singups and activation where you do want to put your original email id. 10minutemail用于单击和激活,您可以在其中放置原始电子邮件ID。 10minutemail cannot be used in sending an emails. 10minutemail不能用于发送电子邮件。
  • This mail service is highly anonymous as it uses mail id is destroyed after 10 minutes.此邮件服务是高度匿名的,因为它使用邮件ID在10分钟后被销毁。
  • If you want to use the same mail, simply click on the 10 more minutes button .如果您想使用相同的邮件,只需点击10多分钟按钮即可


  • Yopmail is the disposable mail service. Yopmail是一次性邮件服务。 It is used for activation on other sites where you don't want to enter your original email ID.它用于在您不想输入原始电子邮件ID的其他网站上激活。
  • Be cautious before using this mail service as all mailboxes are public.在使用此邮件服务之前要小心,因为所有邮箱都是公共邮箱。
  • In yopmail, the account last for 8 days.在yopmail中,该帐户持续8天。 You can only send emails to other yopmail users.您只能向其他yopmail用户发送电子邮件。


  • Emkie's Fake mailer is used to send the mails to any mail id. Emkie的假邮件用于将邮件发送到任何邮件ID。
  • You can send mail anonymously.您可以匿名发送邮件。 Here you can generate your own mail id.在这里,您可以生成自己的邮件ID。 And you can send any file also.你也可以发送任何文件。
  • In below, as you can see we have send mail to check emkei's mailer.在下面,您可以看到我们已发送邮件以检查emkei的邮件程序。

  • After sending the mail to the gmail user.将邮件发送给gmail用户后。 Now we will analyze the header of the received mail.现在我们将分析收到的邮件的标题。

  • In the above screen shot, Here are the details of the mail which has been received from the emkei's fake mailer.在上面的屏幕截图中,以下是从emkei的假邮件收到的邮件的详细信息。
  • In email header, Here is the name, date and IP address of the fake mailer.在电子邮件标题中,这是假邮件的名称,日期和IP地址。


  • Vuvuzela is a private messaging service by MIT Vuvuzela是麻省理工学院的私人消息服务
  • It is a private chat application which hides user details on who you chatting with whom.这是一个私人聊天应用程序,它隐藏了与谁聊天的用户详细信息。


There are many search engines such as – google which is the most common to search anything on the internet.有许多搜索引擎,如谷歌,这是在互联网上搜索任何东西最常见的。 But when comes to privacy, google lacks because google logs each and everything what user is searching using his search engine.但是当涉及隐私时,谷歌缺乏,因为谷歌记录每个用户使用他的搜索引擎搜索的内容。

  • There are many search engines like Duckduckgo which is powerful.像Duckduckgo这样的搜索引擎很强大。 This search engine does not keep any logs.此搜索引擎不保留任何日志。 You can use this search engine very easily.您可以非常轻松地使用此搜索引擎。 simply go to web browser and enter duckduckgo.com只需转到网络浏览器并输入duckduckgo.com即可

  • There are some another search engine startpage .还有一些搜索引擎的首页 This webpage is combined with google search results.此网页与Google搜索结果相结合。 The search engine is very easy to use it does not log any information.搜索引擎非常容易使用它不记录任何信息。 For those who are use to Google search engine and prefer not to expose their identitiy can use startpage.对于那些使用谷歌搜索引擎并且不想公开他们的身份的人可以使用startpage。


These websites tell you what information web browsers and the websites gathers.这些网站会告诉您网络浏览器和网站收集的信息。


  • JonDoNym is the website which tells when any user visits the website. JonDoNym是一个告诉任何用户何时访问该网站的网站。 What website can obtain.什么网站可以获得。 There are tons of websites which try to gathers information about the user.有很多网站试图收集有关用户的信息。
  • JonDoNym provide many features like signatures, cookies, IP Whois, tab history, plugins and many information which directly violates user privacy. JonDoNym提供许多功能,如签名,cookie,IP Whois,标签历史,插件和许多直接侵犯用户隐私的信息。
  • In the below screen shot, you will see the what information website has gathers.在下面的屏幕截图中,您将看到网站收集的信息。

  • In the above screen shot, website has gather IP , Local ISP, location, traceroute.在上面的屏幕截图中,网站收集了IP,本地ISP,位置,traceroute。
  • The above information can be used in other hacking activities.以上信息可用于其他黑客活动。


  • Webkay is the another site which tells that information like – Geo Coordinates, hardware and the software of the user computer. Webkay是另一个告诉信息的网站 - 地理坐标,硬件和用户计算机的软件。

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  • In the above screen shot, the website has shown many of the data about the user's browser like software on which user is surfing the internet, hardware specification.在上面的屏幕截图中,网站显示了许多关于用户浏览器的数据,例如用户上网的软件,硬件规格。 The above information can be used in other hacking activities.以上信息可用于其他黑客活动。

International Institute of Cyber Security ethical hacking researchers always recommend penetration testers to be anonymous when doing black box penetration testing.国际网络安全研究所道德黑客研究人员总是建议渗透测试人员在进行黑盒渗透测试时保持匿名。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: